SF State Business Students Win the 2024 International Wood Supply Game Competition
Congratulations to the Logistics Legends team for winning the online 2024 International WSG Competition! The members of Logistics Legends team are pictured below, starting from top-left (clockwise):
- Giovanni Lopez – B.S. in Business Administration, concentration in Finance
- Kanwarmehtab (Kanwar) Waraich – B.S. in Business Administration, concentrations in Finance and Decision Sciences
- Vinh Tran – B.S. in Business Administration, concentrations in Information Systems and Decision Sciences
- Kyle Vergara – B.S. in Business Administration, concentrations in Finance and Decision Sciences

The Lam Family College of Business (LFCoB) proudly celebrates the victory of the SF State students' team, Logistics Legends, in the 2024 International Wood Supply Game (WSG) Competition held virtually on April 11-12, 2024.
Hosted over two intense days, the event witnessed 17 teams from 12 universities across 9 countries showcasing their strategic prowess in managing wood supply chains. Logistics Legends emerged the winners, displaying exceptional strategic acumen, narrowly edging out competitors from KEDGE in France and Université de Moncton in Canada, who secured second and third places, respectively.
The Logistics Legends team members are Giovanni Lopez (B.S. in Business Administration, concentration in Finance), Kanwarmehtab (Kanwar) Waraich (B.S. in Business Administration, concentrations in Finance and Decision Sciences), Vinh Tran (B.S. in Business Administration, concentrations in Information Systems and Decision Sciences), and Kyle Vergara (B.S. in Business Administration, concentrations in Finance and Decision Sciences). They considered this competition an opportunity to test their knowledge growth in how they organize and analyze business data.
Kyle Vergara, team leader, said, "Drawing from our class experiences, we utilized several concepts and techniques in statistics, spreadsheeting, forecasting, and operations management to build and reference our own real-time logistics dashboard for the game. This allowed us to maintain full control and oversight of our wood supply chain by helping us to better visualize the game's conditions and informing all of our ordering decisions."
The team gave special thanks to Christoph Kogler, Ph.D., of the Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU) in Vienna and co-organizer of the WSG Competition, for his visit to our campus, where he introduced students to the game and invited them to represent the U.S. and join the international competition.
Chair of the Decision Sciences Department, Theresa Roeder, Ph.D., shared how our faculty helped our students learn about this competition. Roeder has known Christoph Kogler for several years through their joint work on an annual conference. "Professor Vera Klimkovsky generously invited Dr. Kogler, who was a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley at the time, to demonstrate the game in her class. From there, our students, led by Kyle Vergara, seized the opportunity and ran with it! We couldn’t be more happy for them, and glad to have made this connection between our schools," she stated.
Below is a graph of each team's results - Logistics Legends is the winning team: