- Post Date: 07/01/2022
- Business Name: Strada Education Network
- Industry: Education and Workforce Development
- Type of Position: Project Management Fellowship
- Grade Level: Juniors, Seniors, graduates
- Location: Flexible
- Days/Hours per Week: 15 hours per week
- Pay Range: $25-$30 per hour, depending on experience
- Duration of Position: 12 weeks between September and December, 2022
- How to Apply: Please send a resume and cover letter to Teri Shea at terri.shea@stradaeducation.org.
- Application Deadline: July 29, 2022 at 5 p.m.
- Position Responsibilities: Join a team with two to four other fellows and some current staff to help create our internship experience as one that centers people of color, immigrant, bilingual, and bicultural individuals; people with disabilities, and members of the LBGTQIA+ and gender nonconforming communities. With help, this team will chart its own course and deliver a solid plan for a new program. As a team, this will involve some combination of research, synthesis, ideation, project planning, and presentation. But the details of the work and the specific job functions will be developed by the team in consultation with your manager. Some examples of the deliverables will be the development of a comprehensive plan on the new proposed internship program with technical and logistical execution details; development of job descriptions; development of proposed recruitment plan(s); creation of onboarding resources for interns along with a guide for staff to provide overview of expectations, timelines, and resources to act as intern mentors. To do this work you’ll also be embedded in our teams and contribute to our existing work and projects in areas such as grantmaking and investment, communications, and research.