Post Date: December 22th, 2022
Business Name: The Adecco Group
Industry: Corporate Traning
Type of Position: Managerial Training
The Adecco Group offers you the unique opportunity to become the global CEO for One Month, under the direct supervision of the CEO of the Adecco Group, Denis Machuel.
The selected global CEO for One Month will get a taste of how to run a multinational company with 30,000 employees in 60 locations. The highly qualifying experience is a huge boost to any career!
“CEO for One Month” runs in more than 40 locations, where the first step will be for candidates to apply to become CEO for One Month in their location of residence, before making it to a shortlist of 10 top performers. Of the final 10 candidates, one will be chosen to become global CEO for One Month.
- Shadowing C-suite leaders from across the Adecco group within the US
- Offering fresh insights to help shape the strategic vision and the work of the future
- Connecting with colleagues and learning about day-to-day operations,
- Leading and participating in executive level projects and meetings,
- Collaborating and networking with other country CEOs, helping to create synergies across our business strategies and strengthen our global strategic vision
- Opportunity to travel up to 75% within the US between June 19 to July 29, 2023 (for Adecco US track).
- Opportunity to travel to Zürich Switzerland for one week in September 2023 (for Adecco Intenrational Track)
Grade Level: Juniors and Seniors
Actively working on a bachelor or master's degree
Previous internships or work experience that exemplify leadership and ability to collaborate with others.
Interest in learning more about working in human resources, or the staffing industry is preferred but not required.
Location: Various locations around the U.S. and abroad
Days/Hours per Week: Variable
Pay Range: Salary based on location
Duration of Position: Summer 2023
How to Apply: To apply: Apply Via the CEO for One Month Page
Application Deadline: March 16, 2023