Mitsuko Saito Duerr Endowed Scholarship

Mitsuko Saito Duerr Endowed Scholarship Donor - woman with black hair smiling, at a gathering with other people in background

Dr. Mitsuko Saito Duerr has been a pioneer in promoting cross-cultural understanding and in improving Japanese- American relations in education, business and society for over 50 years.

In the educational realm, Dr. Duerr developed courses on comparative management and has taught at universities in The Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Japan and the United States. She also arranged exchange programs between San Francisco State University and Japanese universities.

Dr. Duerr provided an endowment fund that gives some financial assistance to San Francisco State University students going to study in Japan. These increased educational opportunities were complemented by extensive research studies and articles with a focus on Japan-related topics.

In addition, Dr. Duerr has served as a grant proposal reviewer for the Japan Foundation, member of the screening committee for the Fulbright Exchange Teacher and Scholars Program, member of the selection team for the Government of Japan’s JET Program, and, for a number of years, as chair of the Asian/Pacific Affairs Study Section of The Commonwealth Club of California.

The business world benefitted from Dr. Duerr’s numerous seminars on U.S.-Japan comparative cultures and business relations. These were held throughout the United States and Japan, often co-sponsored by well-known organizations. Additionally, a number of organizations benefitted from Dr. Duerr’s training programs for business employees and executives. Again, these were presented both domestically and internationally.

Always very active in the non-profit sphere, Mitsuko Duerr was a long time board member, as well as a past president of Satsuki-kai, Inc. In that organization, she was instrumental in expanding its scope and reach. Its original purpose had been only to assist the wives of Japanese businessmen who were temporarily assigned to working in the United States. As president of Satsuki-kai, she opened the organization to allow the inclusion of men as well as women, and to open it to individuals of all ethnicities, religious and political views. She additionally had the organization sponsor special events for the elderly, the general community, and those with special needs. Also added was a fundraising aspect to support charitable giving.

Dr. Duerr was also a long-time member of Japan Society, Northern California Board, including serving as Secretary, Vice President and chair of numerous committees.

Dr. Duerr founded the U.S.- Japan Institute, College of Business, San Francisco State University in 1980 and was its director for nearly two decades. In recognition of this and her contributions as President of Satsuki-kai, Dr. Duerr was awarded a Commendation by the Consul General of Japan. Unfortunately, the U.S.- Japan Institute had to be closed when Dr. Duerr retired and no individual combining both the necessary teaching and administrative capabilities was found.

In her honor, San Francisco State University established a Mitsuko Saito Duerr Endowed Scholarship, providing financial assistance to San Francisco State University business students for studies in Japan.