Business Ethics Week: Real Ethics in Artificial Intelligence
Host: Professor Denise Kleinrichert
Jing Brewer will discuss how to build Artificial Intelligence (AI) responsibly, addressing both business considerations and strategic management aspects.

Jing Brewer, AI Product Mgmt., Biz Dev, Consulting and Strategy Leader and Managing Director at Accenture
Jing Brewer has a prestigious and varied career spanning more than 15 years at Accenture, working in areas as diverse as systems integration, supply chain optimization, agile project management and customer success. Most recently she has turned her talents to focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Product Management and is now Managing Director of Accenture AI.
The Lam Family College of Business welcomes persons with disabilities and will provide reasonable accommodations upon request. If you would like reasonable accommodations for this event, please contact the Center for Ethical & Sustainable Business at cesb@sfsu.edu as soon as possible so your request may be reviewed.