Yikuan Lee, Ph.D.
Office Hours:
- MONDAYS: 12:15pm - 01:45pm
- TUESDAYS: 09:30am - 12:15pm
- TUESDAYS: 12:15pm - 01:45pm
Office hours are held online. Please email the instructor to schedule an appointment.
Professor Yikuan Lee is an associate professor in the International Business department at San Francisco State University.
Her research covers new product innovation, innovation adoption, strategic marketing management in high-tech arenas, decision making, psychology and behavioral economics.
She has published in Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Theory, and Journal of Business Research.
Her work has been well recognized and won her several research grants and awards, such as the best thesis award from Product Development and Management Association, the best paper award from Journal of Product Innovation Management, the best paper award from Global Conference on Business and Economy, and the Research Competition Award from Product Development and Management Association.
She previously taught at the Marketing and Supply Chain Department at Michigan State University. She was also invited to teach Creativity and Innovation at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; and Chang Jung University, Taiwan.
- M.B.A., National Central University, Taiwan
- Ph.D. in High-Tech Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Research Interests:
- New Product Innovation
- Innovation adoption
- High-tech marketing
- Decision making
- Psychology and behavioral economics
Main Theoretical Focus:
- Diffusion of innovation
- Network effects
- Cognitive Neuroscience
Area Specialty:
- North America
- Emerging markets
Honors and Awards:
- Best Paper Award at the 2003 Global Conference on Business and Economy (July 2003)
- Edl and Edith Darger Doctoral Dissertation Award, Rensselaer Polytechn (May 2000)
- Best Doctoral Dissertation Award, Product Development and Management A (October 1999)
- Best Paper Award, Product Development and Management Association Inter (October 1999)
- California State University 2002-2003 Affirmative Action Faculty Devel (December 2002)
- California State University 2002-2003 Affirmative Action Faculty Devel (December 2003)
- Best Paper Award - Journal of Product Innovation and Management (2004)
- Research Competition Award - Product Developm and Management Associati (March 2005)