Sam Gill, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
SPRING 2025 Office Hours - By Email Appointment
Email: sgill@sfsu.edu
Retired Faculty
Information Systems
Faculty Site URL: https://faculty.sfsu.edu/~sgill/
- Professor Emeritus (emeritus status granted 2013), San Francisco State University, Lam Family College of Business, 1981
- Teaches and publishes (articles, books, and courseware) in many areas of information systems focusing on strategy, management, and technology. Current research interests include development methodologies for mobile devices (phone and tablets), development architectures, platforms and languages including: .NET, PHP, MySQL, Ruby on Rails, WebSphere, Visual Basic, C#, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, and Java. Occasionally, teaches IBM mainframe topics such as: COBOL, CICS, and DB2. Currently, teaching development courses for designing and implementing business applications on the Windows 8 and the Android platforms as well as Information Technology Security.
- Founder and Director, Center for Business Solutions (CBS), Lam Family College of Business San Francisco State University, 2004 - 2008 (CBS is a Research and Service Organization (RSO) with a goal to provide college students majoring in business administration with high value "real world" in the various disciplines of business.)
- Senior Trainer and Consultant, Innovative Solutions Inc., 2004
- Develop and deliver courses on all Microsoft technologies and advanced products such as .NET, C#, VB, BizTalk, SharePoint, and SQL Server.
- Chair, Information Systems Department, Lam Family College of Business, San Francisco State University, 2003 - 2006
- Co-founder and Vice President, DataWiz International, 1988-1999
- DataWiz was a software consulting and training company and the first Microsoft Certified Education Center (CTEC) in the world. Dr. Gill received the highest award for Microsoft trainers worldwide.
- Co-founder and VP Engineering, Synergy Computer Graphics, 1984-1988
- Designed and developed the first single pass wide web color electrostatic plotter. Awarded two patents for the design of the system.
- Consultant, Schlumberger, 1983-1984
- Consultant, Compression Labs Inc., 1981-1982
- Director of Computing, Tel-Aviv University, 1977-1981
- Assistant Professor, Tel-Aviv University, 1975-1977
- Computer Center Manager, San Francisco State University, 1971-1972
- Software Manager, Control Data Corporation, 1967-1970
- Software Manager, Israel Ministry of Defense, 1961-1967
- M.B.A. (1972), San Francisco State University
Research Interests:
- Business Intelligence
- Information Technology Resource Management
- Software Testing and Quality Assurance
- Business Process Management
- Open Source Web Design and Development
- Software Project Management
- Management of Information Security