Roblyn Simeon, Ph.D.
Before beginning his academic career, Professor Simeon worked for several years on Wall Street and in Tokyo as a financial & securities analyst for American Express, Daiwa Securities and Swiss Bank (SBCI now UBS). He has also periodically engaged in business consulting activities. Professor Simeon has done research/taught at Kansai University (Japan), Waseda University (Japan), IAE, University of Nice (France), University of California, Berkeley (UCB), and San Francisco State University (SFSU). Professor Simeon has also published research covering topics such as online wine marketing, web-site evaluation strategies (AIPD), expatriate cross-cultural adjustment, popular culture branding, corporate governance & firm performance, international career management, diversity and information processing, venture business and organizational learning. His book entitled "Working in the Global Economy: how to manage your career across borders" (2013) explores international career development and reflects issues related to the global competition for talent and the increasing mobility of skilled workers. Over the years at SFSU, Professor Simeon has taught courses in comparative management, international business, strategic management, Japanese managerial strategies, emerging market business strategies, and international career dynamics. His most recent research covers wine markets in Asia, airline frequent flyer programs and career development in emerging markets.
- M.A. in Comparative Literature & Literary Criticism, University of California, Berkeley
- M.A. in International Affairs: Concentration in International Economics & Comparative Politics, Johns Hopkins, University & SAIS Bologna, Italy
- Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley
Research Interests:
- International Business
- Organizational learning
- Competence and Resource Based Strategies
- Comparative Internet Business Strategies
Main Theoretical Focus:
- Comparative management
- Internet marketing strategy
- Cross-Cultural Management
- Corporate Governance
- International Career Development
Area Speciality:
- Emerging Markets
- Japan, US & Europe
- The Caribbean