2023 CESB Teaching Awards

In our second annual teaching award competition we asked the LFCoB faculty to show us how they embed ethics and sustainability into their courses. Many faculty rose to the challenge (even more so than in 2022), and after much deliberation by a panel of faculty and students, our awardees for 2023 have been selected are listed in alphabetical order.

2023 Teaching Award Recipients


  • Anoshua Chaudhuri strives to make macroeconomics more relevant to her students by giving students a project to connect Econ 101  to the real world, where they are tasked with find an article showing a market or government failure or an unintended consequence of a well-intentioned policy that leads to inefficient, unethical, unjust, inequitable or unsustainable outcome. The students must then brainstorm on a public policy mechanism to correct this situation.
  • Bo Ferns provides two touchpoints for integrating business ethics and social responsibility into her Integrated Seminar in Hospitality Management (HTM 590).  During the start of the term as student teams generate business concepts and determine how CSR can be addressed in them. Later, after learning about the social cost of business production, students ideate on solutions for their team project and also discuss the ethical nature of entrepreneurial leadership.
  • Theresa Hammond dedicated three of her Cost Accounting (ACCT 305) classes to issues around ethics (in particular delving into for-profit colleges and the impacts they have on their students), and diversity, equity and inclusion, such as examining the lack of minority representation in accounting.  Speaking of inclusion, she opened one session up to the broader community during Business Ethics Week, where she interviewed the Director, CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion I CEO Action for Racial Equity at PwC.
  • To help students develop their ethical decision-making skills in her Leadership and Influence Skills course (MGMT648), Chenwei Li has created two interactive activities. The first is the ethical dilemma team assignment, which challenges students to write up their own ethical dilemmas and work collaboratively to develop solutions that balance universal values and human drives. The second is the Theronas documentary discussion, which examines the dangers of bad leadership and explores the ways in which followers can respond to these situations.
  • John Logan peppered his class in Workers in the Global Economy (LABR/SOC555) by investigating how labor activists “salt” companies, making comparisons to the civil rights movement. Student also interviewed essential workers, determining whether they received hazard pay or were otherwise fairly compensated for keeping things running during the pandemic.   For extra credit students had the opportunity to listen to renown student labor activist Jaz Brisack, whom he both brought to UC Berkeley and also interviewed during a Business Ethics Week event.
  • Communication for Business Analytics (DS660GW) is the capstone class for Decision Sciences, where students integrate material learned in their other courses to analyze unstructured, real-world problems.  As one of the four stated learning objectives of the class is recognizing ethical and sustainability-related issues in quantitative analysis, Theresa Roeder includes both a case study on ethics and a final project on sustainability in the class, and a wide-ranging list of prior projects was provided to inspire students in her Spring 2023 class.
  • While Gulnur Tumbat embeds ethics thorough her Consumer Behavior course (MKTG633) through required forum posting, she has most notably has structured the course so that the week of Business Ethics Week corresponds to when students are to read the chapter entitled “Buying Using Disposing.” She has also supplemented the text with recent articles on consumers’ repairing of electronics and on the pervasiveness of plastics.