The Graduate Certificate in International Business & Global Leadership prepares individuals for leadership roles in organizations operating in the international environment.
About the program
The Graduate Certificate in International Business & Global Leadership provides students with the relevant skills and qualifications for a managerial career in international business by providing training in three cornerstones of modern global organizations:
- the current strategies and competencies for operating an international business
- cross-cultural negotiating strategy & tactics
- creativity & innovation skills for global managers
Pursue a wide range of positions and career opportunities after completion, including:
- global entrepreneur (for startups or SMES)
- international venture capital analyst
- global innovation manager/team leader
- international product/service marketing manager
- management consultant across a range of international markets
- international human resources manager
- industry/investment analyst
- international/global sourcing manager
- director of international operations (headquarters or abroad)
- international sales manager/director
- import/export manager (international logistics)
- international sales representative
- country/regional manager for domestic or foreign firms
Required Courses*
- IBUS 815 Seminar in International Business (3 units)
- IBUS 841 Creativity for Managers: A Global Perspective (3 units)
- IBUS 859/BUS 859 International Business Negotiations (3 units)
Note: there are no required prerequisite courses for this certificate.
* As part of the certificate, students must demonstrate writing competency at the graduate level. This requirement is met through individual and group writing work in the courses. Individual writing assignments are based on multiple short essay assignments. Group writing projects involve collaboration among team members.
For detailed course descriptions and prerequisite requirements, visit the SFSU Bulletin.
Admissions and Completion Requirements
The Graduate Certificate in International Business and Global Leadership is available to individuals possessing a 4-year bachelor’s degree with a 3.0 GPA (or better) in any field, including non-business fields. San Francisco State University MBA/MSBA/MSA students may enroll in the Certificate Program, and the required three courses may be counted for both their Master’s degree (as electives) and the Certificate.
Those already holding an advanced degree (MA, MS, MFA, PhD or other) are also welcome to apply to the Certificate Program. Interested persons need to complete and submit an online application (see “How to Apply”).
There are no required prerequisite courses for the three courses of the certificate. Enrolled graduate students in the SF State MBA/MSA/MSBA programs may take the required certificate courses while completing their 700-series course requirements.
Certificate Requirements
All coursework required for the certificate must be completed with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Additionally, only courses completed with grades of C or better may be included to meet the certificate requirements.
To receive the certificate, students apply online and pay the nominal certificate approved program fee (generally done online), and submit the completed certificate application form to Christopher Kingston by email at cak@sfsu.edu.
How to Apply
Current MBA, MSA or MSBA students are not required to apply for admissions into a graduate business certificate program–the requirements can be met while seeking the graduate business degree.
All other interested students must formally apply to the graduate certificate in Graduate Certificate in International Business and Global Leadership through Cal State Apply (external link). Applicants are required to upload unofficial transcripts, a statement of interest, and current CV/résumé. Important: to apply for certificates, please go to your EXTENDED PROFILE and under DEGREE GOAL select CERTIFICATE, then choose Graduate Certificate in International Business and Global Leadership and SAVE.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis with deadlines in May and October.
More Information
Please contact one of our faculty if you have questions about the program:
Bruce Heiman, Ph.D. email bheiman@sfsu.edu