Faculty Research Accomplishments 2023-2024


Pedagogical Research

Shuoyuan He, Amy Chang, Lena Yang (Accounting). Topic:  Exploring the High DFW Rates in Accounting Introductory Courses: Causes and Solutions

Tai-Yin Chi, Lutfus Sayeed and Nasser Shahrasbi (Information Systems).  Topic:  A Framework for Developing Business Analytics Curriculum: Integrating Data Life Cycle, Data Structure, and the Balanced Scorecard

Discipline-based Research

Wei Huang (Accounting).  Topic: “Artificial Intelligence (AI) Washing”

Yao-Tien Lee, Lena Yang and Amy Chang (Accounting). Topic: Navigating the Regulatory Landscape for Cybersecurity Breach Disclosure

Chenghao Hu (Economics).  Topic: Take Off Kong Yi Ji’s Long Gown: Exploring the Luxury Employment Hypothesis in China Through a Global Lens

Ryan Smith (Hospitality and Tourism Management).  Topic: The Bullshit of Wine Labels

Yikuan Lee (International Business).  Topic: Closing the Gap of Learning Deficiency: A Computer-Aided Intelligent Response-to-Intervention System

Veronica Rabelo (Management).  Topic: Getting Clocked While Clocking In: Experiences of Bodily Surveillance During the Job

Foo Nin Ho (Marketing). Topic: The Moral (Im)permissibility of Counterfeit Luxury


Publication Incentive Awards

Fall 2023

Financial Times (FT)-50 Award Category

Deniz Anginer, Snow Xue Han (Finance), Celim Yildizhan. “Do Individual Investors Ignore Transaction Costs?” Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Cambridge University Press, January 2024.

ABS 3, ABDC A* Award Category

Karel Hrazdil, Yi Liang, Lufei Ruan (Accounting), Hakjoon Song. “Generalist CEOs and conditional accounting conservatism.” Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Wiley Publishing, October 2023.

Li Chen, Yiwen Chen (Marketing), Yang Pan. “The effect of sponsored video customization on video shares: the critical moderating role of influencer and brand characteristics.” European Journal of Marketing, Emerald Publishing, November 2023.

ABS 3, ABDC A Award Category

Julia Miyaoka (Decision Sciences), Katy Azoury. “Optimal and simple approximate solutions to a production-inventory system with two production rates.” International Journal of Production Research, Taylor & Francis Publishing, September 2023.

ABS 2, ABDC A Award Category

Yao-Yu Chih, Firat Demir, Chenghao Hu (Economics), Junyi Liu, Hewei Shen. "A spatial analysis of local corruption on foreign direct investment: Evidence from Chinese cities." European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier Publishing, September 2023.

Chenghao Hu (Economics). “Finance dependence and exchange rate pass-through: Empirical evidence from China." Emerging Markets Review, Elsevier Publishing, November 2023.

ABS 2, ABDC B Award Category

Carol Flinchbaugh, Jennifer Miles,  Bahareh Javadizadeh (Management), Yanni Liang, William L. Smith. " Examining firefighter and police officers’ trust and service quality: What resources matter?" Journal of Management & Organization, Cambridge University Press, December 2023.

Yifeng Fan, Bahareh Javadizadeh (Management), Mariya Gavrilova Aguilar." Human Resource Management Reimagined: A New Perspective on HR Courses for Contemporary Careers.” Journal of Management Education, Sage Publishing, October 2023.

ABS 1 and ABDCA Award Category

Nasser Shahrasbi (Information Systems), Mina Rohani, Mostafa Purmehdi, Ali Rajabzadeh Ghatari. " Self-determination theory and customer revenge behavior: explaining how customers regulate their anger and revenge behavior.” Journal of Consumer Marketing, Emerald Publishing, September 2023.

SSCI/SCIE Award Category

Ravinder Kaur, Eduardo Gonzalez, Minh Pham (Decision Sciences), Michael Pichichero. “Naturally-induced serum antibody levels in children to pneumococcal polysaccharide 15B that correlate with protection from nasopharyngeal colonization but anti-serotype 15B antibody has low functional cross-reactivity with serotype 15C.” Vaccine, Elsevier Publishing, November 2023.

Fuji Naoko, Minh Pham (Decision Sciences), Ravinder Kaur, Michael Pichichero. “Serotype 3 Antibody Response and Antibody Functionality Compared to Serotype 19A Following 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Immunization in Children.” The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, Wolters Kluwer Publishing, October 2023.

Michael Pichichero, Lei Xu, Eduardo Gonzalez, Minh Pham (Decision Sciences), Ravinder Kaur. “Variability of Vaccine Responsiveness in Young Children.” The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Oxford Academic Publishing, November 2023.

Sepideh Modrek (Economics), Daniel F. Collin, Rita Hamad, Justin S. White.“Medicaid Expansion and Perinatal Health Outcomes: A Quasi-Experimental Study.” Maternal and Child Health Journal, Springer Publishing, November 2023.

Hui-Ming (Deanna) Wang (Marketing), Foo-Nin Ho (Marketing). “The Effects of Information Technology in Retailer Performance and Survival: The Case of Store-Based Retailers.” Sage Open Publishing, December 2023.

J. Sonia Huang, Foo-Nin Ho (Marketing). “The Effects of Information Technology in Retailer Performance and Survival: The Case of Store-Based Retailers.” Emerging Media, Sage Open Publishing, September 2023.

ESCI Award Category

Helman I. Stern, Robert Saltzman (Decision Sciences). " Aircraft Maintenance Facility Location Planning.” EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, Elsevier Publishing, July 2023.

Denise Kleinrichert (Management). "Empathy: an ethical consideration of AI & others in the workplace.” AI & Society, Springer Publishing, December 2023.

ABS 1 and ABDC B Award Category

George Li (Finance), Ming Li (Finance), Shuming Li (Finance). "Capital structure and momentum strategies.” Studies in Economics and Finance, Emerald Insight Publishing, November 2023.

ABDC B Award Category

Chu-Chia Amy Chang (Accounting). "Detecting Financial Statement Fraud through Mutidimensioanl Analysis of Text Readability.” Journal of Forensic Accounting Research, American Accounting Association, July 2023.

Spring 2024

ABS 4, ABDC A* Award Category

M. V. Lee Badgett, Christopher S. Carpenter, Maxine J. Lee (Economics), Dario Sansone. " A Review of the Economics of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.” Journal of Economic Literature, American Economic Association, September 2024.

Yu Gu, Lihua Wang (International Business), Yiyuan Mai. “Do you need a chief technology officer? The effect of appointing a CTO on innovation activities in high-tech new ventures.”Journal of Product Innovation Management, Wiley Publishing, May 2024.

Ruet Livne-Tarandach, Hooria Jazaieri, Veronica C. Rabelo (Management), Yiyuan Mai. “Previously endured distress reduces the quality of the compassion extended toward sufferers of workplace distress.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, Wiley Publishing, June 2024.

ABS 3, ABDC A* Award Category        

Yuntian Li, Bing Luo (Accounting), Zyi Singer, Jing Zhang. " Can Critical Audit Matters Be a Signal of Poor Accruals Quality?" Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, American Accounting Association, April 2024.

Charles Hsu, Junqiang Ke, Zhiming Ma, Lufei Ruan (Accounting). " Options trading and firm investment efficiency." Journal of Business Finance & Accounting,  Wiley Publishing, January 2024.

Nava Cohen, Joanne Sopt (Accounting). “Children, Imagination, and Outer Space Exploration: Implications for Space Accountability Systems.” Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Emerald Insight Publishing, May 2024.

ABS 3, ABDC A Award Category

Jeff Boone, Lesley Chen (Accounting), Juan Mao. “Non-Big 6 audit firms’ access to external resources through inter-organisational relationships." Accounting and Business Research, Taylor & Francis Publishing, July 2024.

Lesley Chen (Accounting), Jennifer Yin. “Corporate misconduct and subsequent consequences in family firms." Abacus, Wiley Publishing, May 2024.

Sedzani Musundwa, Theresa Hammond (Accounting). “Black Chartered Accountants in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Global Implications for the Profession." Accounting Horizons, American Accounting Association, March 2024.

M. V. Lee Badgett, Christopher S. Carpenter, Maxine J. Lee (Economics), Dario Sansone. “A review of the effects of legal access to same-sex marriage." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Wiley Publishing, March 2024.

ABS 2, ABDC A Award Category

Wei Huang (Accounting), Junjun Liu, Rui-Zhong Zhang. “Local newspaper closures and non-GAAP reporting quality." Finance Research Letters, Elsevier Publishing, April 2024.

Inae (Lena) Yang (Accounting), Jang Hyung, Cho, Linda M. Dunn-Jensen." Collateralized Loan and Debt Obligations: Management Fees, Interest Alignment, and Regulation.” Journal of Fixed Income, Portfolio Management Research, February 2024.       

Zuzano Janko (Economics), Gurleen Popli. “Economic Fluctuations and Mortality in Canada Revisited." Southern Economic Journal, Wiley Publishing, February 2024.

Yiwen Chen (Marketing), Li Chen, Yang Pan. “Social media influencer endorsement: the conditional effects of product attribute description in sponsored influencer videos." Journal of Marketing Management, Taylor & Francis Publishing, January 2024.

ABS 2 Award Category

Steven J. Hyde, Antonie Busby, Robert Bonner (Management). " Tools or Fools: Are we Educating Managers or Creating Tool-Dependent Robots?" Journal of Management Education, Sage Publishing, February 2024.

Priyanka D. Joshi (Management), Chenwei Li (Management), Dayna O.H. Walker. Classroom Leadership Roles Activity: A Pathway to Sharing Leadership with Student Teams.” Journal of Management Education, Sage Publishing, July 2024.

ABS 1 and ABDC A Award Category

Sungha Jang (Marketing). "How Do Consumers Evaluate Identical Products at Different Retailers? A Text Mining Approach Using Product Reviews." Australian Marketing Journal, Sage Publishing, February 2024.

SSCI/SCIE Award Category

John Logan (Labor and Employment Studies). "Tech Workers Rising: Why are so many young US tech workers embracing labour activism?" International Center for Trade Union Rights, January 2024.

ABS 1 and ABDC B Award Category

Wei Huang (Accounting), Rui-Zhong Zhang. "Real asset liquidity and accounting conservatism: evidence from asset redeployability." Managerial Finance, Emerald Publishing, July 2024.

ABS 1 Award Category

Veronica C. Rabelo (Management), Oscar J. Stewart, William C. Snowden, Sarah Fathallah. " When safety for you means danger for me: the racial politics of carceral public safety discourse." Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers, June 2024.

Research Seminars

Fall 2023

October 20, 2023

Talk 1: “Will speaking up get you ahead? A 10-year journey from idea to publication.” Presenter:  Chenwei Li, Associate Professor, Management.

Talk 2: “Information Sources and Adoption of Vaccine during Pandemics." Presenter:  Sanjit Sengupta & Deanna Wang, Professors, Marketing.

December 1, 2023

Talk 1:  “Doing good while saving money? The formation of customers’ initial reputational perceptions about a new social venture.”  Presenter: Antoaneta Petkova, Professor, Management.

Talk 2:  “The legitimization process of social enterprises across development stages: Two case studies.” Presenter:  Lihua Wang, Professor, International Business.

Spring 2024

March 1, 2024

Talk 1:  “Opportunity knocks but once: delayed disclosure of financial items in earnings announcements and neglect of earnings news.” Presenter:  Yifan Li, Associate Professor, Accounting.

Talk 2:  “Insights on decision support by wood transport simulation." Presenter: Christoph Kogler, University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna.

April 26, 2024

Talk 1:  “What is excessive smartphone use doing to students’ physical and mental health and what can we do about it?” Presenter:  David Anderson, Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Director of the Marian Wright Edelman Institute, SF State University.    

Talk 2:  “You ain’t foolin’ me! Imposter judgments in luxury status signaling.” Presenter:  Foo-Nin Ho, Professor, Marketing.  

Research Publications


Chang, Chun Chia (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Yang, F., Chang, C. C., David, J. (2023). Detecting Financial Statement Fraud through Multidimensional Analysis of Text Readability. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research, 1-23.

Chen, Lele (Assistant Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Kalelkar, R., Xu, Q., Chen, L. (2023). Seasonal Affective Disorder and Audit Quality. International Journal of Auditing, 27(2-3), 109-129. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ijau.12304

Chen, Min (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Zhu, Z., Sun, L., Chen, M. (2023). Fundamental strength and the 52-week high anchoring effect. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 60(4), 1515-1542.

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Zhu, Z., Lin, H., Chen, M., Liu, J. (2023). The spillover effect of economic policy uncertainty: Evidence from analyst behaviors in Hong Kong. Finance Research Letters, 52, 103570.

Chou, Shih-Chu (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Chou, S.-C., Li, Z.-A., Wang, T., Yen, J.-C. (2023). How the quality of initial coin offering white papers influences fundraising: Using security token offerings white papers as a benchmark. Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, 30(1), 3-18.

Hammond, Theresa (Full Professor)

Book Chapters

Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)

Ghio, A., Hammond, T. (2024). “Queer accounting voices: Accounting academics’ oral stories,” Handbook of Accounting in Society Edward Elgar Publishing, edited by Hendrick Vollmer..

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Musundwa, S., Hammond, T. (2024). “Black Chartered Accountants in a post-Apartheid South Africa: Global Implications for the Profession,”. Accounting Horizons.

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

McDowell, E., Hammond, T. (2023). A ‘Disguised Scheme for Compensated Emancipation’:  Accounting for gradual abolition in 19th century New Jersey. Accounting History, 10323732231174669.

Huang, Wei (Assistant Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Huang, W., Liu, J., Zhang, R.-Z. (2024). Local Newspaper Closures and Non-GAAP Reporting Quality. Finance Research Letters, 60(PART A).

Luo, Bing (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Li, Y., Luo, B., Singer, Z., Zhang, J. (2024). Can Critical Audit Matters Be a Signal of Poor Accruals Quality? AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory. https://doi.org/10.2308/AJPT-2022-065

Ruan, Lufei (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Hsu, C., Ke, J., Ma, Z., Ruan, L. (2024). Options trading and firm investment efficiency. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbfa.12789

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Cheng, L., Li, R., Ma, Z., Ruan, L. (2023). Skilled Labor and Bank Loan Contracting. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbfa.12692

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Hrazdil, K., Liang, Y., Ruan, L., Song, H. (2023). Generalist CEOs and Conditional Accounting Conservatism. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbfa.12761

Yang, Inae (Assistant Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Yang, I., Cho, J. H., Dunn-Jensen, L. (2024). CLO & CDO Management Fees, Interest Alignment and Regulation. Journal of Fixed Income.

Decision Sciences

Cheung, Rex (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Soorapanth, S., Cheung, R. (2023). Rural-Urban Differences in Vaccination and Hesitancy Rates and Trust, US COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey on Social Media Platform, May 2021 – April 2022. American Journal of Public Health, 113(6), 680-688.

Miyaoka, Julia (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Miyaoka, J., Azoury, K. S. (2023). Optimal and simple approximate solutions to a production-inventory system with two production rates. International Journal of Production Research.

Soorapanth, Sada (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Soorapanth, S., Cheung, R. (2023). Rural-Urban Differences in Vaccination and Hesitancy Rates and Trust, US COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey on Social Media Platform, May 2021 – April 2022. American Journal of Public Health, 113(6), 680-688.


Hu, Chenghao (Assistant Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Hu, C. (2023). Finance dependence and exchange rate pass-through: Empirical evidence from China. Emerging Markets Review. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1566014123000936

Janko, Zuzana (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Janko, Z., Popli, G. (2024). Economic Fluctuations and Mortality in Canada Revisited. Southern Economic Journal. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/soej.12684

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Janko, Z., Kakar, V. (2023). Health Care Expenditure and Income in Canada: Evidence from Panel Data. Health Economics, 32(10), 2278-2297. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/share/author/8788N3ATAHQ2RUXTVDFN?targe…

Kakar, Venoo (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Janko, Z., Kakar, V. (2023). Health Care Expenditure and Income in Canada: Evidence from Panel Data. Health Economics, 32(10), 2278-2297. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/share/author/8788N3ATAHQ2RUXTVDFN?targe…

Modrek, Sepideh (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Modrek, S., Collin, D., Hamad, R., White, J. S. (2024). Medicaid Expansion and Perinatal Health Outcomes: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Maternal Child Health Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-023-03879-y


Feldman, Todd (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Professional Journal (Published)

Feldman, T. (2023). Understanding the Firm Specific Risk Premium. Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis.

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Feldman, T., Liu, S. (2023). A New Behavioral Finance Mean Variance Framework. Review of Behavioral Finance, 15(3), 355-370. https://doi.org/10.1108/RBF-05-2021-0088

Li, George (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Li, M., Li, G., Liu, S. (2024). Capital Structure and Momentum Strategies. Studies in Economics and Finance, 41(1), 28-45. https://doi.org/10.1108/SEF-05-2023-0224

Li, Ming (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Li, M., Li, G., Liu, S. (2024). Capital Structure and Momentum Strategies. Studies in Economics and Finance, 41(1), 28-45. https://doi.org/10.1108/SEF-05-2023-0224

Liu, Shuming (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Li, M., Li, G., Liu, S. (2024). Capital Structure and Momentum Strategies. Studies in Economics and Finance, 41(1), 28-45. https://doi.org/10.1108/SEF-05-2023-0224

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Feldman, T., Liu, S. (2023). A New Behavioral Finance Mean Variance Framework. Review of Behavioral Finance, 15(3), 355-370. https://doi.org/10.1108/RBF-05-2021-0088

Yang, Brian S. (Assistant Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Yang, B., Jung, H., Kim, J.-M. (2023). Dependence Risk of Bank Equity Returns: A Vine Copula Approach. The Journal of Eurasian Studies, 20(3). https://doi.org/10.31203/aepa.2023.20.3.003

Hospitality & Tourism Management

Ergul, Mehmet (Full Professor)

Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceeding (Published)

Tuzun, I. K., Ergul, M., Johnson, C. Tourism’s contribution to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals: examples from the literature.

Other Intellectual Contributions

Conference Abstract (Published)

Ergul, M., Korkusuz, P., Tuzun, I. K., Johnson, C. (2023). Achieving Sustainabl Tourism Growth Through Wine Tourism An Exploratory Study investigating Ankara as Potential Epicenter. Vienna: Eurochrie 2023.

Ferns, Bo (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Yuan, J., Bauman, M., Ferns, B., Ebrahimzadeh, M., Alshiha, A. A. (2023). Restaurant Dining Environment, Restaurant Formality and Dining Involvement in the Context of Memorable Dining Experiences (MDEs). Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 24(2), 1-28. DOI: 10.1080/1528008X.2022.2094848

Johnson, Colin (Full Professor)

Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceeding (Published)

Tuzun, I. K., Ergul, M., Johnson, C. Tourism’s contribution to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals: examples from the literature.

Other Intellectual Contributions

Conference Abstract (Published)

Ergul, M., Korkusuz, P., Tuzun, I. K., Johnson, C. (2023). Achieving Sustainabl Tourism Growth Through Wine Tourism An Exploratory Study investigating Ankara as Potential Epicenter. Vienna: Eurochrie 2023.

Smith, Ryan P. (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Pratt, S., Pan, B., Agyeiwaah, E., Lei, S. S. I., Lugosi, P., Kirillova, K., Piirman, M., Lockwood Sutton, J., Jönsson, H. Cristina, Haselwanter, S., Smith, R., Sinha, R., Berno, T., Mackenzie, M., Graci, S., Rao, Y. Venkata, Veliverronena, L., Zekan, B., Silva, D.A.C. Suranga, Park, S. (2024). Tourism Myths and the Dunning Kruger Effect Annals of Tourism Research. Annals of Tourism Research, 104(103620).

Information Systems

Sayeed, Lutfus (Full Professor)

Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceeding (Published)

Sayeed, L. (2023). How Business Statistics, Business Analytics, Management Science, and Management Information Systems courses can support DEI curriculum: an LGBTQ+ example. Decision Sciences Institute.

Shahrasbi, Nasser (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Shahrasbi, N., Rohani, M., Purmehdi, M., Rajabzadeh, A. (2024). Self-Determination Theory and Customer Revenge Behavior: Explaining How Customers Regulate Their Anger and Revenge Behavior. Journal of Customer Marketing. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JCM-07-2018-2747/fu…

Verma, Sameer (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Verma, S. (2023). Towards a Scalable Digital Skills Training Architecture for Resource-Constrained Environments: The Case of Ayitic Goes Global in Haiti. Communications of the AIS, 52(1), 40.

International Business

Heiman PhD, Bruce (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Heiman, B. (2023). We’re Only Human  An Exploratory study of Biases and Strategic Problem Formulation Performance. Innovation: Organization and Management(Special Edition), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/14479338.2023.2236072


Bonner, Robert L. (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Hyde, S. J., Busby, A., Bonner, R. L. (2024). Tools or Fools: Are We Educating Managers or Creating Tool-Dependent Robots? Journal of Management Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/10525629241230357

Dunham, Ian M. (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Foster, A., Wissman, N., Bray, L. A., DeBoer, J., Ergene, S., Stewart, O. J., Dunham, I. M. (2023). Rising to the challenge: Embedding environmental justice in management and organization studies. Organization & Environment. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10860266231201992

Javadizadeh, Bahareh (Assistant Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Javadizadeh, B., Flinchbaugh, C., Yashar, S. (2023). Compulsive Islamic practices in the workplace: Iranian women in search of authenticity. The Journal of Social Psychology(ISSN: 0022-4545 Online ISSN: 1940-1183), Pages 735-754. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00224545.2023.2196387

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Finchbaugh, C., Miles, J., Javadizadeh, B., Liang, Y., Smith, W. (2023). Examining firefighter and police officers’ trust and service quality: What resources matter? Journal of Management and Organization, pp. 1 - 23. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-management-and-organ…

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Fan, F., Javadizadeh, B., Aguilar, M. (2023). Human Resource Management Reimagined: A New Perspective on HR Courses for Contemporary Careers. Journal of Management Education. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/10525629231205604

Kleinrichert PhD, Denise (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Kleinrichert, D. (2024). EMPATHY: AN ETHICAL CONSIDERATION OF AI & OTHERS IN THE WORKPLACE. AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication(AI & Soc (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-023-01831-w). https://www.springer.com/journal

Li, Chenwei (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Li, C., Wu, C.-h., Dong, Y., H. W., Sun, L.-Y. (2023). A psychological contract perspective on how and when employees' promotive voice enhances promotability. Human Resource Management Journal. https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12496

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Sun, L.-Y., Li, C., Pan, W., Leung, A. (2023). Justice climate and employee creativity in the work uncertainty context: a cross-level investigation. Asian Business & Management, 22(3), 1065-1093. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41291-022-00191-5


Chen, Yiwen (Assistant Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Chen, Y., Chen, L., Pan, Y. (2024). Social media influencer endorsement: the conditional effects of product attribute description in sponsored influencer videos. Journal of Marketing Management. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0267257X.2024.2305748

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Chen, L., Chen, Y., Pan, Y. (2024). The effect of sponsored video customization on video shares: the critical moderating role of influencer and brand characteristics. European Journal of Marketing. https://www-emerald-com.jpllnet.sfsu.edu/insight/content/doi/10.1108/EJ…

Ho, Foo Nin (Full Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Huang, J. Sonia, Ho, F. N. (2023). The Role of Open Business Models in Times of OTT Video Innovation: Evidence from Taiwanese Platforms. Emerging Media: Technology, Industry and Society, 1(2), 176-195. https://doi.org/10.1177/27523543231198540

Jang, Sungha (Associate Professor)

Refereed Journal Articles

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)

Jang, S., Kang, J. H., Liu, T., Yang, H. How do  consumers evaluate identical products at different retailers? A Structural Topic Modeling  Approach Using Product Reviews. Australasian Marketing Journal. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/14413582241233610