Virtual Instruction Continues Into Spring 2021 Semester

On Thursday, the CSU announced that all 23 campuses will continue virtual instruction in the upcoming Spring 2021 semester.

CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White made the announcement, saying “This decision is the only responsible one available to us at this time. And it is the only one that supports our twin North Stars of safeguarding the health, safety and well-being of our faculty, staff, students and communities, as well as enabling degree progression for the largest number of students."​

For more information, click here.


Many student resources are available online during remote learning, including:

Student Success Center: Schedule undergraduate advising appointments or attend a drop-in advising session.
Career Services & Professional Development Center: Attend workshops, schedule advising appointments, and browse job and internship opportunities virtually.
GatorXperience: Connect and engage with the SFSU community by attending an array of interesting and fun virtual events and joining student organizations.
YOU at SF State: Confidentially track and manage your mental & physical well-being.
Career Services & Leadership Development: Attend virtual career fairs and connect to online skill-building resources.

University resources for students who have been impacted by recent tragedies or need general support also continue to be offered remotely: