Are you ready to STAND OUT in the post-graduation job market?

You are invited to apply to become a College of Business Fellow

As part of the pilot program this fall, Fellows are introduced to the essential skills of résumé-writing and interviewing, and attend networking events with leading San Francisco Bay Area businesses.

The College of Business will randomly select 25 from the pool of applicants to participate in the fall 2014 pilot program. Each selected Fellow is required to attend the Welcome Reception, the five group sessions, and the individual career counseling session. There is no additional cost to students who are accepted to the Fellows Program.

Are you ready to STAND OUT in the post-graduation job market? Collage of woman in classroom setting and exterior shot of the SF State Downtown Campus and the College of Business logo lockup

About the Pilot Program

SF State's College of Business Fellows Program is designed to get students job ready for internships and full-time job opportunities. The deadline to respond is August 29, 2014. Those selected will be notified by September 3.


You’ll meet on select Wednesdays in September through November
between 5 and 6:30 p.m. at the SF State Downtown Campus,
835 Market Street, 6th floor, 94103.

  • Welcome & Program Reception—Sept. 10, 2014
  • Cover Letter & Résumé Writing—Sept. 17, 2014
  • Speaker Session One: Wells Fargo, Target—Oct. 1, 2014
  • Interview Techniques & Etiquette—Oct. 15, 2014
  • Speaker Session Two: Addvocate, LoopUp—Oct. 29, 2014
  • Speaker Session Three: IBM, Intel—Nov. 12, 2014
  • Personalized Career Counseling—1-hour individual meeting


You must be a currently enrolled junior or senior-level student,
or a graduate-level student, in the College of Business for the
fall 2014 semester. If selected, you must attend all sessions.

Ready to Apply?

It’s quick and easy! Visit


Email Melanie Summers at