Lam Family College of Business Interim Dean Releases Statement of Support for Black Lives Matter Movement

Dear students, staff and faculty of the Lam Family College of Business,

The recent tragic killing of George Floyd and other African-Americans in our country have left many of us emotionally overwhelmed. We acknowledge the profound pain felt by those of you belonging to communities that have suffered the cruelty and injustice of racial discrimination and inequality. We stand by you in solidarity as allies in the pursuit of equity, inclusion, and social justice.

Along with the pandemic, these recent tragedies have pushed racial inequality to the forefront of our consciousness and compel us to stand up and speak out against it.

At the Lam Family College of Business, Black Lives Matter.

We will examine our policies, practices, and curriculum to ensure that the experiences of Black students, alumni, staff, and faculty are reflected and affirmed in them. I invite you to reach out to me to share your experiences and ideas on how we can do better as a college.

By engaging in empathetic listening and recognizing our shared humanity, we can learn to understand, appreciate and respect one another. I believe this is an important step toward equality for all.

Take care and be well,

Yim-Yu Wong
Interim Dean
Lam Family College of Business