Dean Linda Oubré in the News

Linda Oubré, EdD, MBA, dean of the College of Business, shares great news for the spring semester!

"The College of Business has been asked to become permanent members of the Aspen Institute Business & Society Program's Aspen Undergraduate Business Education Consortium. Last September, Management Professor Denise Kleinrichert and I attended the meeting of the Business & Society group on behalf of the college. Other member institutions include Boston University, Cornell, NYU, Berkeley, Wharton, Michigan. Berkeley and SF State are the only California public institutions included.

Linda Oubre"BOMA San Francisco's Foundation Board has voted me as a member. Even though I will have to abstain from voting on anything related to BOMA's financial support of our Commercial Real Estate program, this gives us a seat at the table.

"I have also joined the SF Unified School District's Career & Technology Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will work on building the pipeline of career-ready students from high school, through college, and into jobs in industry."

Follow Linda on twitter @LindaOubre