NEW section of Fin 350.16 Business Finance

NEW section of Fin 350.16 Business Finance
TH 1535-1820, Bus 217, Prof. Meiberger. It should appear in the class schedule by Monday, 2/3/14, afternoon.

Students wishing to ADD the new section, please go to the first class meeting on Th, 2/6/14. Prof. Meiberger will NOT consider earlier requests to add, either via email or by any other method. You must be present in class on 2/6/14 to ADD.

Priority will be given to students meeting all of the prerequisites listed below, plus taking Fin 350 for the first time. Open University students are not eligible to take this section.

Students seeking to ADD this section must satisfy the following requirements:
--A registered business major or minor
--ACCT 101 with a C- or higher
--Econ 101 with a C- or higher
--Econ 102 with a C- or higher
--Math/DS 110 with a C- or higher
--DS 212 with a C- or higher
--ISYS 263 with a C- or higher
--No exceptions.

Alan Jung
Professor & Chair
Finance Department
College of Business



A new section of Intro Micro is now available:
ECON 101.06, Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis
Schedule No.: 42372
Day/Time: T 1900-2145
Location: BH 226
Instructor: Prof. Michael Bar