Learn to Code at SF State starts May 27

Build your own Twitter application with the Ruby programming language

Aimed to give students a real advantage in the job market, students will better understand the tools, processes, and lingo of today’s web development world. Learn to Code at SF State is the perfect starting point for entrepreneurs who want to build their own ideas on the web.

Learn to Code at SF State with image of femail hands typing on a keyboardEach session is devoted to a new topic, with the majority of time dedicated to coding in-class. Using the popular Ruby language, students build a barebones Twitter application. There is no homework or outside time required, but students should expect to be fully engaged for each two-hour session.

For complete details, see Learn to Code

Register Today!


Friday, May 30, 2014
SF State Downtown Campus
835 Market Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

Register through Eventbrite

