Professor Ron Purser invited to lead workshop at the Buddhist Peace Fellowship

Professor Ron Purser has been invited to lead a workshop "Secular Mindfulness: Benefits, Concerns, and an Engaged Buddhist Path Forward" at the international Buddhist Peace Fellowship gathering August 29-31, 2014 in Oakland, California.

Secular mindfulness has become increasingly en vogue. This workshop intends to bring together people active in the conversation on mindfulness to discuss the benefits and concerns of secular mindfulness. Our intention is to present a diversity of thoughts on the issue and to frame the conversation around the following questions: What are our highest aspirations for the practice of mindfulness, as people committed to social justice + dharma? What is the role of ethics, morality, and social justice convictions in connection with the trends of secular mindfulness? Should and can mindfulness be ethically neutral? Should and can we challenge the notion of ethical neutrality? This session intends to provide space for a collective discussion of how to move forward with openness, care, and an honest consideration of the concerns and ideas brought forth in the conversation.

Ron Purser: San Francisco State University, co-author of “Beyond McMindfulness”
Mushim Patricia Ikeda: Dharma teacher at the East Bay Meditation Center