SF State MBA Students Sought for Advanced Leadership Workshop - at No Cost

Dynamic Results LLC, a premier accountability, strategy, and talent consulting firm, is on a quest to round up SF State’s luckiest MBAs.

Up to five SF State MBA students will be selected at random to participate in Dynamic Results’ groundbreaking Accountability As A Competitive Advantage™ workshop next week, free of charge ($17,500 value). Dynamic Results is interested in MBA students working with companies not in the consultancy space, but who might be working for a larger corporate global company. The half-day event will be delivered by Henry Evans, the company’s founder and managing partner and author of Winning With Accountability: The Secret Language of High Performing Organizations. Each participant will receive the program’s complete package: the training, a copy of Evans’s book, a workbook, a wallet card, a pen, and a highlighter.

Date: Tuesday, January 27
Time: 8am-12pm PST
Venue: 2nd Street & Folsom Street, Downtown San Francisco

Additional workshop details available at http://dynamicresults.com/solutions/assess-and-develop-talent/workshops-and-programs/accountability-workshop/.

From Dynamic Results: “Our method is more like trade school than business school and is presented by certified facilitators in North America, Latin America, Western Europe, and Asia, in various settings such as CEO think tanks, Facilitated Strategic Planning off-sites, pure workshop settings, business schools and in one-on-one instruction.”

For a chance at this tremendous opportunity, please submit your information below by 12pm noon on Friday, January 23, 2015.  Five participants will be selected at random and will be notified by 5pm on Friday, January 23, 2015.  Serious interest only, please.