Professor Purser publishes “Clearing the Muddled Path of Traditional and Contemporary Mindfulness”

Management Professor Ron Purser published “Clearing the Muddled Path of Traditional and Contemporary Mindfulness” in the scholarly journal Mindfulness which
appeared in the February issue (Volume 6, Issue 1, pp.23-45.)

Of related interest

Professor Purser publishes in “Mindfulness’ ‘Truthiness' Problem: Sam Harris, science and truth about the Buddhist tradition"
Professor Purser, with his colleague Andrew Cooper, call into question the hype surrounding the scientific claims on mindfulness in the
online news daily,

Professor Purser publishes “Confessions of a Mind-wandering MBSR student: Remembering Social Amnesia” in the journal Self & Society
In the February 2015 issue of Self & Society, Professor Purser reflects on the shortcomings of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR), a popular
clinical program for effecting social, political and organizational change. Self & Society is a journal published by the British Association of Humanistic Psychology.