SF State Grads in One-Minute Film on the Commercial Real Estate Alliance for Tomorrow's Employees (CREATE)

In the film published at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jl1r1Z4rZF0, graduates from SF State’s Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Certificate program share in their own words what the program has meant to them. The compelling messages delivered by these bright, motivated, and newly-minted young professionals is meant to inspire folks to attend an upcoming industry mixer. This special event, dubbed Commercial Real Estate Alliance for Tomorrow’s Employees (CREATE), takes place on May 14 and will honor legendary architect Art Gensler.

CREATE: An Industry-wide Mixer for Real Estate Professionals honoring Art Gensler
Thursday, May 14, 2015 from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM (PDT)
San Francisco, CA
Register at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/create-an-industry-wide-mixer-for-real-estate-professionals-honoring-art-gensler-registration-15823731206

For more information on the Building Owners and Managers Association, please visit http://www.bomasf.org.