SF State CoB Undergrads Win ALPFA Business Plan Competition

On Saturday, April 25, 2015, two teams from SF State competed in the Association of Latino Professionals For America (ALPFA) business plan competition at Salesforce.com’s offices in downtown San Francisco. Competing universities included UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, Sacramento State, and the University of San Francisco. SF State was the only university represented by two teams.

One SF State group, led by Alicia Ramos, proposed starting a rainbow-colored pupusas food truck near the Mission. The other group, led by ALPFA’s SF State chapter president, Frankie Rodriguez, presented an app named “SplitCheck” designed to help diners divide their restaurant checks fairly. Following the judges’ deliberation, the SplitCheck team was declared the winner.

Says Dr. Theresa Hammond, Professor of Accounting and ALPFA Faculty Adviser, “I had consulted with both teams before the event and I am very impressed by how hard they all worked. They reflect so well on San Francisco State: they were poised and professional and had done their research extremely well.”

SF State’s victorious SplitCheck team is being awarded with full sponsorship from ALPFA’s San Francisco chapter to attend the 43rd annual ALPFA Convention in New York City this August. . In addition, KPMG is sponsoring four other SF State students to participate in the KPMG Case Study Competition to be held at the ALPFA Convention.

To learn more about ALPFA at SF State, visit http://www.alpfasfstate.org/