SAP integrated courses earn MBA student internship at PG&E

MBA student Micky Jhawar has secured a summer internship at PG&E where he will work with enterprise software applications.

He said “SF State’s SAP integrated courses are a great way to start learning about enterprise resource planning software. Being fairly new to SAP and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, my professors in three SAP integrated courses–Business Process Management (ISYS 869), Business Intelligence/Big Data (ISYS 850) and an independent study course on IT Project Management–did a great job of teaching me and getting me actively involved with hands-on experience with SAP.

"This experience, along with other courses at the College of Business, has led me to obtain a summer internship within the IT department at PG&E. I look forward to applying my classroom knowledge to a real-world position.” 

SF State's MBA students now eligible to earn certificate

Starting in fall 2014, MBA students will be able to earn the SAP Recognition Award certificate after completing three SAP integrated courses in Information Systems. The three courses are: Business Intelligence (ISYS 850), Enterprise Mobile Applications (ISYS 856), and Business Process Management (ISYS 869). The Business Process Management (ISYS 869) course will be offered in the fall semester while the other two courses will be offered in the spring of 2015. MBA students are able to earn their SAP Recognition Award certificate as soon as spring of 2015.

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To learn more, see SF State's SAP Recognition Award certficate

SAP is the most widely used ERP software in the world. Following Micky’s example, MBA students should be able to leverage the SAP Recognition Award certificate in enhancing their career and employment opportunities.