Business Ethics Week explores how to balance profit, principles

From Nov. 2 to 5, San Francisco State University's College of Business will celebrate its 10th annual Business Ethics Week by featuring speakers from top local companies to discuss the challenging ethical dilemmas organizations face today. Read the full story.

Calendar of Events

We invite you to engage with our guest speakers at events held at the main campus and at the SF State Downtown Campus. No RSVPs are necessary.

For full details, see Business Ethics Week 2015

Monday, November 2

Impact of Culture on Innovation

  • Noon–1:30 pm, Main Campus, LIB 121
  • Erby Foster, Director, Diversity & Inclusion, The Clorox Company
  • Facilitator: Venoo Kakar, Ph.D.
  • Student group: ESA

Sustainability in the Food Industry

  • 5–6:15 pm, Main Campus, The Vista Room
  • Tim Shaw, Head Chef, The Vista Room
  • Facilitator: Smita Trivedi, Ph.D.
  • Student Group: Real Food Challenge

Innovate / Create / Communicate! Ethics in Action

  • 5–6:30 pm, SF State Downtown Campus, DTC 597
  • Sean Bolton, Growth Marketing, Lyft
  • Facilitator: Denise Kleinrichert, Ph.D.

Tuesday, November 3

Ethics Debate--Students vs. Faculty

  • Noon–1:30 pm, Main Campus, LIB 121
  • Moderator: Denise Kleinrichert, Ph.D.
  • Student Organization Teams: Economics Student Association (ESA) and College of Business Faculty Team
  • Judges: Angela Gann, National Director, Business Operations & Professional Development, National Compliance, Ethics & Integrity Office, Kaiser Permanente, and Ayush Khanna, Director of Product & Marketing, LaborVoices

Clif Bar's Supply Chain and Sustainability

  • 5–6:15 pm, DTC 597
  • Ted Witt, Director of Contract Manufacturing, Clif Bar & Company, and Katrina Parker, Senior Supply Chain Analyst, Clif Bar & Company
  • Facilitator: Susan Cholette, Ph.D.
  • Student group: NetImpact

Wednesday, November 4

Insider Trading: Is It Unethical?

  • Noon–1:30 pm, Main Campus, LIB 121
  • Jahan P. Raissi, Partner, Shartsis Friese LLP
  • Facilitator: Daniella Balkanska, Ph.D.
  • Student group: FAME

Global design firm Arup talks Sustainability & Future of Transportation

  • 5–6:15 pm, DTC 597
  • Jordan O’Brien, Senior Manager, Arup, and Mike Iswalt, Senior Transportation Engineer, Arup
  • Facilitator: Sanjit Sengupta, Ph.D.

Thursday, November 5

Where Does Your Trash Go? A Sustainability Discussion with Recology

  • Noon–1:30 pm, Main Campus, LIB 121
  • Chris Levaggi, Senior Zero Waste Specialist, Recology
  • Facilitator: Susan Cholette, Ph.D.
  • Student Group: DSSA

A Conversation About Women, Ethics, and the Workplace

  • 5–6:15 pm, SF State Downtown Campus, DTC 597
  • Linda Oubré, Dean, College of Business, Dian Emerson, VP Human Resources, Business Services and Diversity, Safeway, and Ryana Barbosa and Cora Puliatch, co-presidents of Women in Business graduate student organization

The College of Business would like to thank the following sponsors: The Village Market & Pizza, Farm Fresh Underground and Cafe Rosso.