IS students Daniel Sanchez and Gary Longoria win SAP University App Rumble competition

Gary Longoria and Daniel Sanchez

Information Systems students Daniel Sanchez and Gary Longoria's proposal for a diabetic management mobile app, as part of a healthcare monitoring system, won the SAP University App Rumble contest held in Orlando, Florida, May 14-16, 2013.

Encouraged to enter by Leigh Jin, associate professor of information systems, Daniel and Gary teamed up to propose a mobile application that incorporates both the SAP Mobile Platform and the SAP HANA database.

Student submissions were judged using these criteria: desirability, feasibility, viability, and creativity. The finalists will be asked to work with SAP to build out their final mobile application. The grand prize winner of the competition will have the opportunity to continue their engagement with SAP to build out their final application product.

Out of 47 app proposals submitted for initial judging, Daniel and Gary's proposal was selected as one of three finalists invited to the SAP Sapphire NOW conference held in Florida.

Read an interview from Daniel and Gary on the contest website before they were announced as the grand contest winner.

We are so proud of their accomplishments!

(Left to Right) Gary Longoria, SAP University Judge, and Daniel Sanchez

(Left to right) Gary Longoria and Daniel Sanchez - Holding the awards