First Fridays Fun - China’s Belt and Road Initiatives

Friday, March 6, 2020 - 4:30pm to 6:30pm

SF State Downtown Campus 835 Market Street, 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103

Contact Name: 
Sanjit Sengupta
Event Description: 

First Fridays Fun header

On the first Friday of every month, Lam Family College of Business graduate students, staff, faculty, and alumni are invited to an informal social and educational event at our Downtown Campus.

Please join us for all or part of the evening. Networking will begin at 4:30 with speaker to follow at 5:45. 

This event is part of our Emerging and Developing Economies Initiative, funded by the Lam-Larsen Fund for Global Innovation, which supports activities that help redefine global corporate citizenship.

Topic: China’s Belt and Road Initiatives: Aims, Myths and Realities

Sometimes described as the world’s largest infrastructure program, China’s Belt and Road Initiative is the umbrella designation for a variety of projects launched in China over the past seven years. Some see it as the key to China’s economic future, others as a strategic effort to dominate Eurasia and beyond. In this talk, Clayton Dube will examine the forces driving the creation of the initiative, the myths that have arisen around it, and what’s actually happened and is underway. Professor Dube can likewise address contemporary issues facing China-US relationships.

Speaker: Clayton Dube, Ph.D., Executive Director, University of Southern California U.S.-China Institute

Clayton Dube is the Executive Director of the U.S.-China Institute, a program at the University of Southern California, Annenberg School of  Communications and Journalism.  Dube has headed the USC U.S.-China Institute since 2006.  He is an expert on economic and political change in China since 1900 and its wide-reaching effects.  Trained as a historian, Dube has earned teaching awards at three universities, produced a number of documentary films, and edited academic and popular publications on China and Asia.

Click here to register - this event is free but RSVP is required.